Sunday, December 22, 2013


And because I love and adored her book Surrendering, I have decided to interview one of my current favorite indie authors Ahren Sanders. Here's a brief biography:

Ahren spent her formative years living in an active volcano. There her family made collectible lava art. She studied rock collecting at the Sorbonne in France. There she met the love of her life-her pet pig Sybil. She returned to the states and started writing. She is happily married to a guy who used to live under a bridge and she met while pole-dancing. They have one amazing daughter.  
Now, meet the real me. I’m a wife, mother, and full-time Human Resource Specialist. Living on the Florida coast, my family spends a lot time at the beach which is my favorite place to get lost in books. I started writing my first novel, Surrendering, in the spring of 2013 and have received incredible support from the Indie community. I’m so excited to share my story and hope you enjoy reading the story of Raven, Declan and their crazy flock of friends. 

Here's my interview with her:

1. Let's start of with the basic stuff. What inspired you to write? Was it someone or something that inspired you to pick up that pen and write?

That’s a great question. I guess it was just something I WANTED to do. In my professional life, I work with policies and procedures every day. IF you told me I had to write a job description, or re-do and employee manual, I would cry. Literally!  I hate that stuff. I am much more of the social type. But when Raven and Declan popped into my head I had to get their story out. I didn’t bat an eye on the hours spent behind my keyboard. When I learned about the world of self-pub, I got brave. As for inspiration, it is other Indie Authors that inspired me to  do this. There was an incredible level of support and acceptance.

2. I know authors are also wide readers. What type of books do you usually enjoy reading and which ones are your current favorites? *aside from your book of course. LOL*

You are right, I am an avid reader. In my life, I have read all genre’s but in the last 2 years I have concentrated on Contemporary Romance. I have too many favorites to mention, but I will say I have been known to read everything Kristen Ashley. I also own every book Vi Keeland has written.

3. I have tons of book boyfriends. Do you have yours too? If yes, name a few.

Too many to list, but I recently fell in love with Jonah from Fighting for Flight but JB Salsbury. I was shocked when I started reading and learned her main characters name was Raven. But it was pretty cool. But for the love of God!  Jonah was amazing. 
I also have a severe softspot for the regulars: Remy, Kellan, Nico, Travis, Andrew….you know- ALL OF THEM!

4. Thank you for letting me receive an ARC copy of your "Surrendering". I really enjoyed reading about Raven and Declan. How did you start writing about their story? Did you have an inspiration?

You’re Welcome!  I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Raven and Declan came to me easily. I literally just sat down one day and started their story. I will tell you it has gone through about 1000 changes since the first manuscript. Each and every one of my characters was my inspiration. I put a little of me in them all.

5. I'm just curious about the names of the characters. Ravenel is pretty uncommon. How did you choose that name?

It isn’t a very glamorous story, but it is funny. Ravenel is the name of a street in my neighborhood. The first time I saw it I loved it!! So I decided on a character name before I even developed her personality.

6. I'm really in love with Declan. His character seemed so real and alive. How did you go about creating his character? Any inspiration? 

I spent a lot of time developing Declan. To me he was always a deep character. I wanted him to be raw and edgy, but I also didn’t want him to be an asshole. Even though we mention his promiscuity several times, I needed to write him as a good guy. (for the most part) I wanted the reader to watch his life change just as Raven’s did.
I didn’t have any specific inspiration, but I did have a clear image in my mind and he turned out perfect!

7. You are a sly author! I loved Declan but I also love Finn. What made you decide on adding Finn to the story?

Swoon** Finn Black. Isn’t he Yummy? Finn is my hero. I know no one can be as perfect as him, but honestly I created him right along with D&R because he was so important to the story.  

8. If your book was opted for a movie, who would you like to play the characters?

I am stumped- I have no idea. Maybe you can help me out with the characters? I know what they look like in my head, but I can’t compare them to real life actors.

9. I am very interested in your future works, will you be concentrating on Contemporary NA or will you be making other books in other genres too?

I believe I will stick with Contemporary Romance. Once I finish book two in this series, I have an idea I’m ready to write. The characters are more mature – late 20’s early 30’s.

10. And last but not the least, a questions I am very curious to know the answer... Could you give me at least a clue... What will happen to Raven and Declan on the next book?!! Pretty please? Doesn't have to be a lot, one word, a phrase, anything.

Well… I don’t want to spoil anything, but there are a lot of tears. Oh yeah, I’m also thinking about a baby, but not for Declan and Raven. Hum…

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